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The American artist Saul Leiter (1923–2013) became enchanted by painting and photography as a teenager in Pittsburgh. After he relocated to New York City in 1946, his visionary imagination and tireless devotion to artistic practice pushed him to become one of the iconic photographers of the mid-twentieth century

In pursuit of my dreams, I headed for the hills of the beautiful Staffordshire Moorlands and to the most magical place I know, Alton Towers. Now living close by, I count my blessings each time I hear the roar of the roller-coasters from across the valley. For nowhere am I more inspired as I experience the lift hills, dive drops, and corkscrews of the ride - that is, writing my first novel.

The project aims to celebrate the life and work of AWN Pugin in as many imaginative and inspiring ways as possible and we would love you to be a part of it. With some exciting plans already in the pipeline, there is plenty for you to get involved with, so please contact us for further details or to join the project.

Launched initially on the 30th October 2022, the decision was made in late February 2023 to transition from a site of purely readable articles into a podcast. The podcast (and some written articles on this site still) includes stories and information on ghostlore, folk customs and superstitions, history and archaeology, as well as details on site investigations into our region’s alleged paranormal phenomena. In time, the Boggart hopes to build a vast and knowledgeable community via social media